2023 World Family Therapy Congress
International Family Therapy: 36 Years of Change

The 31st World Family Therapy Congress will be held 30 March - 1 April 2023 in Malaga, Spain. We invite you to join colleagues from around the world at the Congress’ Hotel ILUNION, near Malaga’s Cathedral.
The 2023 Congress will explore how families survive immigration, war and pandemics. The Keynote address, given by Dr. Pauline Boss, will address the subject of ambiguous loss. The Congress will alsofocus on interactional methodologies for working with families and how those changes impact the families with which therapists work. The 2022 Congress, like all IFTA Congresses, will also feature many approaches to a variety of problems and ways of coping with them. The congress aims to help heal hurting couples and families in various cultures.
The International Family Therapy Association was an outgrowth of the East-West Bridging Congress conducted in Prague in 1987. Since that time, IFTA’s goal has been the same: Advancing family therapy worldwide by promoting research, education, and sound practice while promoting international cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and ideas that support the health and well-being of families and persons around the world.